Hi TheBerry24,


          updated through January 3, 1992. copyright (c) 1992 by Allen Greenfield. All
        rights reserved.]

          "The fact is that the instincts of  ignorant people invariably find expression in 
        some form of witchcraft. It matters little what the metaphysician or the moralist
        may  inculcate; the animal sticks to his  subconscious ideas..."

                            Aleister Crowley
                            The Confessions

           "As attunement to psychic (occult) reality  has grown in America, one often
        misunderstood  and secretive branch of it has begun to flourish also -- magical 
                          J. Gordon Melton
                          Institute for the Study of
                          American Religion, Green Egg, 1975

         "Curse them! Curse them! Curse them!
          With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of
          Jesus as he hangs upon the cross
          I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed &
          blind him
          With my claws I tear out the flesh of the
          Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and

           Liber Al Vel Legis 3:50 - 53

         "If you are on the Path, and see the Buddha walking towards you, kill him."
         Zen saying, paraphrased slightly

         "Previously I never thought of doubting that  there were many witches in the world;
        now,  however, when I examine the public record, I  find myself believing that there
        are hardly  any..."

         Father Friedrich von Spee, S.J. , Cautio  Criminalis, 1631

          Having spent the day musing over the  origins of the modern witchcraft, I had a 
        vivid dream. It seemed to be a cold January afternoon, and Aleister Crowley  was
        having  Gerald Gardner over to tea.   It was 1945,  and talk of an early end to the
        war was in  the air.  An atmosphere of optimism prevailed  in the "free world" , but
        the wheezing old  magus was having none of it.

         "Nobody is interested in magick any more!"  Crowley ejaculated.  "My friends on the 
        Continent are dead or in exile, or grown old; the movement in America is in
        shambles. I've  seen my best candidates turn against  me....Achad, Regardie -- even
        that gentleman  out in California, what's - his - name,  AMORC, the one that made
        all the money.."


Viele Grüße


...zur Antwort