Es geht hier um Musik ( proudcen) und das hat er mir geschrieben:

"Hey man i really like your beats, i like to work close to producers to make music and i was wondering if you'd like to partner up, i like to do a royalties based thing so i pay for your distrokid account and then split royalties 50/50 automatically when i use ur beat yknow, all i need is a email so its no stress! I currently am working like this with a producer named LAW, lmk if you're down to work bro!"

Ich würde darauf folgendes schreiben:

We can work together but I'm only available for beats. And I would like to be paid in advance and then also a fixed sum. So for a beat I would take 10 euros (via PayPal)

Wie findet ihr die Antwort? Bin neu im "game" und weiß nicht ganz wie ich damit umzugehen habe.

Danke schonmal im Voraus:)