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Globalization blues

Aspects of globalization that this song focuses on:

  • increase in crime

  • poor working conditions and low wages,

  • loss of individuals’ freedom, oppression

= there is not a single positive aspect of globalization in the song.

Analys. : choice of words

  • the use of compounds ( money-stealing, people-bashing, slave- made) shows how a
    new world order requires new words

  • they vs. you: leads to feelings of alienation, contrast

  • strong and violent vocabulary (fight (l. 17), beat (l. 20), they’ll run over you ( l. 3); reflects what globalisation does to people)

effect :

  • choice of word threatens the listener and stresses that globalization is an immediate and urgent danger

  • choice of words and enumeration in the last verse: tries persuade the listener to act now (fight. l. 18) appeal

singer is still hopeful that the battle is not lost yet

Quelle: gebe bei google.co.uk "globalisation blues" ein, unter den ersten 10 kommt ein Doc-Link, der ließ sich leider nicht kopieren.

Viele Grüße



Hier noch ein netter Song von Ray Korona zu diesem Thema:

Globalization Blues

A Song by Ray Korona©Ray Korona 2002

You can't hide in your bed;

You can't hide in your head.

They'll run over you; you'll be worse off than dead.

I'm talkin' globalization, globalization.

Drug dealing, money stealing globalization blues.

They say forget your suspicions;

Work in sweatshop conditions.

Sew some more sneakers and guard these munitions.

It's globalization, globalization.

People bashing, job smashing globalization blues.

They say your country's in debt

And you've got to pay.

If you want to eat then do what we say.

That's globalization, globalization.

Slave made, world trade globalization blues.

Since you can't get away

Better fight them today.

From Seattle to Prague, Manila Bay to LA,

It's globalization, globalization.

On the street, we're gonna beat the** globalization blues.**

...zur Antwort