Der Economist dazu

A new tragedy shows anarchy rules in Gaza (

The incident was in northern Gaza, where the Israeli Defence Forces (idf) has dominated for months. All agree the deaths occurred after the food convoy had passed an Israeli checkpoint and was surrounded by thousands of hungry civilians. Accounts differ over what happened next. Palestinian eye-witnesses say idf soldiers fired on the crowd, killing some and sparking a stampede that claimed more lives. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, called it an “ugly massacre conducted by the Israeli occupation army”.
Contradicting this, the idf says the stampede began as people surrounded the vehicles. Aerial video footage purporting to be of the incident shows many people running around and between trucks (Bild findet sich im Artikel). The Israelis say that people were killed and crushed during this stampede, the first stage of the incident. In the second stage “several hundred metres away” from the first, they say, a crowd began moving towards the checkpoint that the convoy had already passed. An Israeli military spokesperson said idf soldiers there “identified a threat” and after firing warning shots used only “limited fire”.

Es ist also noch nicht klar was passiert ist.

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