Kann mir bitte jemand helfen daraus stichpunkte zu machen es fällt mir sehr schwer:

Kann mir bitte jemand diesen ganzen Text in stichpunkten zusammenfassen mein Englisch ist nicht so gut deswegen fällt mir das sehr sehr schwer. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir dabei bitte helfen es ist echt wichtig🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

The advert shows a sponsoring for Nivea Products. The eyecatcher is a woman who is sitting on the beach and she's looking above the sea. She's waering a red top combined with a red skirt. And also red sandals. She has short light brown hair. The title says: NIVEA CREME or OIL for Suntan-Skin-health and Beauty Now from the lighting and the haircut from the woman we can assume that this Advertisement was made in the 1950s because back than they used to use this kind of lighting for adverts and many women had this kind of hairstyle because it was trendy back in the day. Now what the Advertisement is trying to tell u is that Nivea products are really good for your skin. The special ingredients are effective for your health and it also promises you that you will feel beautiful with it. Now what these people probably didn't know back than is that nivea products contain a lot of ingredients which in fact are harmful and damaging for your skin. These special ingredients lead to redness and skin blows on your skin. One of those ingredients is mineral oil hydrocarbons. This was found in many nivea products and the possiblity that this might lead to cancer cannot be ruled out. This doesn't necessarily mean that all nivea products are harmful for the skin but before buying one you should definetely check if it contains mineral oil hydrocarbons.