Zu Beginn schon

Trying to inspire his men to attack, Bonaparte grabbed a flag and stood in the open on the dike "about 55 paces" from the bridge. He remained miraculously untouched, but several members of his staff were hit by the intense fire and his aide-de-camp, Jean-Baptiste Muiron, was killed.[29] An unknown officer dragged Bonaparte out of the line of fire and the commanding general ended up in the muddy ditch.[27]

Battle of Arcole - Wikipedia

Das liess mit steigendem Rang allerdings nach. Gut, die Armeen wurden auch grösser. Trotzdem hielt er engen Kontakt zu seinen Soldaten und hatte einen guten Ruf als Feldherr

He was an inspiring leader who could obtain the best from his soldiers and subordinates.[326] The Duke of Wellington said his presence on the battlefield was worth 40,000 soldiers.[327][328] He could charm people when he needed to but could also publicly humiliate them and was known for his rages when his plans were frustrated.

Napoleon - Wikipedia