ja und ja

Es gab mehrfach Beschuss mit U-Booten sowie einen Luftangriff mit einem u-bootgestütztem Flugzeug sowie Angriffe mit Ballons.

American Theater (World War II) - Wikipedia

Bombardment of Ellwood - Wikipedia

Bombardment of Fort Stevens - Wikipedia

Lookout Air Raids - Wikipedia

Fu-Go balloon bomb - Wikipedia

Zwei Inseln in den Aleuten wurden im Juni 1942 besetzt, Attu und Kiska.

Aleutian Islands campaign - Wikipedia

wie war es unter japanischer Besatzung?


Kiska hatte nur eine militärische Wetterstation ( 12 Mann) aber Attu hatte eine zivile Bevölkerung von 47 Leuten.

...and captured Attu's population, which consisted of 45 Aleuts and two white Americans, Charles Foster Jones (1879-1942), an amateur radio operator and weather reporter, originally from St. Paris, Ohio, and his wife Etta (1879-1965), a teacher and nurse, originally from Vineland, New Jersey.[7] The village consisted of several houses around Chichagof Harbor on the northeast side of the island.
The 42 Aleut inhabitants who survived the Japanese invasion were taken to a prison camp near OtaruHokkaido. Sixteen of them died while they were imprisoned.[8] Charles Jones was killed by the Japanese forces immediately after the invasion because he refused to fix the radio he destroyed to prevent the occupying troops from using it. His wife was subsequently taken to the Bund Hotel in Yokohama, Japan, which housed Australian Rabaul New Britain nurses who had been taken prisoner during the capture of Rabaul in early 1942. They were later transferred to the Yokohama Yacht Club and kept there until July 1944 when they were moved to the old Totsuka Hospital in Yokohama. The hospital served as an internment camp until the end of the war in August 1945. Etta Jones died in December 1965 at age 86 in Bradenton, Florida.[9]

Japanese occupation of Attu - Wikipedia

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