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In the short story, "Deportation at Breakfast" by Larry Fondation, the setting is crucial in communicating the mood of the story. The most prominent feature in the setting of this story is the counter. The counter represents a transitional point. It is a boundary line between the world that the protagonist inhabits in the beginning of the story and the world that he later chooses to becomes a part of. The counter seems to be a barrier that is only breached at crucial points in the story. The fact that the protagonist chooses to sit at the counter represents his readiness to face the obstacles that stand between him and opportunity. By physically placing himself at the transitional location in the setting, the narrator separates himself from those characters who are not taking an active role in the world represented by the diner. While the narrator seems to be isolated from the rest of the diners by sitting at the counter alone, he is actually placing himself in the middle of the action. The other characters in the diner are sitting in groups and interacting on a superficial level with others, but they are ignorant to the drama being played out at the counter. The invasion of the diner by the police goes unnoticed by all but the protagonist. Javier is forced to transition to a new phase in his life as he is led away from behind the counter; however, the narrator makes a conscious decision to get off the sidelines and get in the game by crossing over the counter. The narrator took a necessary step to change his life. After he assumed the role previously filled by Javier, he continued to actively participate in making life changing decisions. Although we really have no way of knowing what happens in the future of the protagonist, I like to think that after his bravery in facing a difficult situation and his active participation in creating his own destiny, he continued to make positive and active choices. I imagine the narrator continues to leap over obstacles and to bravely assume the roles in life that are waiting for him- behind the counter.


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