Sind die Zeiten so korrekt? ( Englisch / the apple tree / on the beach)

Hallo, Wäre super, wenn da jemand drüberlesen und die Zeiten (und auch alles andere) verbessern könnte. Komme da immer durcheinander. Es geht um die Bücher On the Beach und The apple tree.

Ich schreibe die fragen mal mit auf:

1. At the beginning at the novel, Moira Davidson drinks a lot of alcohol and is a real party girl, but she changes during the novel. How does he change and why does she change? = Moira Davidson changes her life during the novel because she gets to know Dwight Towers. She likes him very much. I think she wants to change her life for him and maybe she thinks Dwight will marry her if she stops drinking alcohol. Furthermore she understands that life is too short and she has to change her life before she will die of the radiation.

2. Dwight Towers spends a lot of his time with Moira, but he does not take her with him when he sails out to sink his submarine at the end of the story. Why does he not take her with him? = Dwight Towers is of the opinion, that everybody must die in their own way. He is a Navy Commander and wants to die in his submarine with his crew. Another reason why he doesn't take Moira with him is the admiration for his dead wife. I guess he thinks that i will be wrong to die in the arms of another woman.

3. Mary makes plans for her garden and they talk to each other as though life is going on. Why do they behave like that? Give reasons. = I guess they behave like that because it is hard to accept that they will die. Mary Holmes finds it difficult to know that her little daughter Jennifer maybe dies before her. In her despair she tries to ignore the reality and tries to enjoy the last days with her family.

4. Have you got an ambition that you would like to fulfil? What is it? Give reasons. = Of course I have an ambition that I would like to fulfil. There are two big dreams which I never lose sight of. One of them is to become a doctor for human medicine. I wants to study it for more than ten years and I will do everything to let it come true. I know the study is very hard and that I must have a good average to authorize for the study but it is my dream job. I think it is an indescribable feeling to help people and make them healthy and happy.

My second dream is to own a horse. I ride since I was six years old and I am of the opinion that horses are the most beautiful animals in this world. They have such an elegance and their are like friends to me. But horses are so expensive and they take so much of your time. At first I want to have a good job and then I would like to buy a Friesian horse. I am sure that I will own a horse one day.

Part 2: 1. There are two apple trees in the story. Which characters do you think they represent? Give reasons. = The two apple trees stand for two women in the protagonist's life. The first one represents his wife Midge and the second one rep

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2. When the protagonist has offered some logs to Mrs. Hill, he smiles a secret smile. What thought, in your opinion, is behind this smile? = He smiles a "secret smile" because he has had a reason to cut the tree down. All the time he hasn't cut the tree because Willis wanted to give the tree a chance but now Mrs. Hills has needed the wood. Finally he has put an end to his chapter by cutting the tree down.

3. The marriage between the protagonist and Midge was not happy. Who do you think was more to blame for the unhappy marriage, Midge oder the protagonist? Give reasons. = In my opinion, the protagonist and his wife both blame for the unhappy. The marriage of the two was very unhappy. None of them enjoyed it and the protagonist cheated on his wife by kissing a young, pretty girl on the farm. Furthermore he was often in a bad mood, was lazy and he had never helped his wife. Midge, his wife, worked the whole day ad did al the housework alone. She wasn't interested in other things. Although she was unhappy, she never said something to her husband. There were like two people who live in different worlds.

4. Explain the end of the story. = The man wants to touch the young tree, it symbolizes the young womna, but his foot is in a deep cut in the stump from the old tree. The old tree symbolizes his wife Midge and I think she wants to punish him for the unhappy marriage. He can't escape the stump from the old tree and dies lonely in the snow.Midge wants that he suffers like she suffers in the marriage with him. So she takes revenge.

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