Welf :Alter deutscher Vorname, ursprünglich Beiname von Angehörigen des Herrscherhauses der Welfen. Wahrscheinlich aus dem Althochdeutschen mit der Bedeutung: (h)welf = „Tierjunges; junger Hund, Wolf; Fuchs“.  


Welfhard :Aus dem Althochdeutschen. Bedeutung: (h)welf = „Tierjunges; junger Hund, Wolf; Fuchs“. und harti = „hart; stark“.

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In another interview with MTV Italy, Lee said,

“ It's not literal, it's not literal about the drug for me, I've never taken lithium before. It's sort of a metaphor about numbness and happiness and sort of like, it's me looking at happiness in a negative way because I've always been, you know, kind of afraid to be happy. Like with the band and the art and everything else, it's always like I'm never letting myself break through into the happiness it seems like, because it's not cool or something. And describing happiness is lithium, it's like saying 'that's numbness, I won't be able to be an artist anymore if I'm happy', which is hilarious because that's just not true, I'm happy. So it's like this fight within the song of like 'do I do this and get out of here and get happy or do I wallow in it like I always do?' and it's cool because at the end of the song I say 'I'm going to let it go', like I am going to be happy.[2] ”

The drug itself, lithium carbonate, is typically used as a mood stabilizer to prevent acute manic behavior in patients with bipolar disorder.


in diesem fall eine art pharmazeutisches mittel.

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