machen wir auch :) habs auch erst einmal gemacht, aber wir hatten damsals zu dem fleisch noch so tomaten, käse, ... eigentlich kannst du alles mögliche machen :D aber obst? hab ich noch nie gehört :p

...zur Antwort

wenn du echt dünn aussehen willst, dann so 46-48 kilo. aber auch einige kilos darüber sieht sehr gut aus und nicht zu dick. kommt auch immer darauf an wie das verteilt ist ;)) ne freundin von mir ist 2 cm größer als du und wiegt 44kg oder so aber die ist auch seeehr dünn.

...zur Antwort

oh wie süüüß ;) ich persönlich kanns schlecht unterdrücken. angeblich soll es helfen, an was positives zu denken. du darfst also nicht denken 'jetzt nicht weinen, bloß nicht weeeinen!', sondern lieber versuchen, dich auf deinen nächstes besuch zu freuen. vielleicht hilfts ;)

oooder versuch mal, daran zu denken: die kleinen werden bestimmt auch traurig wenn du weinst. und das willst du ja nicht oder?

...zur Antwort
ich habe den kontakt abgebrochen...

nun hab ich entgültig den kontakt abgebrochen. ich hab ihn aus facebook gelöscht und auch seine nummer, so dass ich keine möglichkeit habe mich bei ihm zu melden.

insgeheim hoffe ich das er mich vermissen wird und sich melden wird aber ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll wieso ich das alles gemacht hab.

er hat mir ja von anfang an gesagt das darauf keine beziehung wird, obwohl es sich ja dann anfühlte wie ein. aber naja er würde mir das dann vorhalten und ich weiß nicht wie ich reagieren würde.

ja ich denke er mag mich und ich bedeute ihn auch was, deshalb bin ich mir sicher das er bald eine veränderung sehen wird. spätestens in facebook wird er merken das wir keine freunde mehr sind.

findet ihr ich hab das richtige gemacht? es fühlte sich ehrlich an wie eine beziehung haben alles gemacht zusammen geschlafen, essen gegnagen, freunde getroffen, spazieren gegangen, zusammen gekocht, geredet.... halt ebend alles gemacht nur für ihn war dies keine beziehung und ich will aber das mehr draus wird, ich will eine beziehung, da wir perfekt zueinander passen und ergänzen uns nur zu gut. verstehen uns super und er ist wirklich mein traumman. aber er sagt man solle nur den moment genießen, mir reicht das nicht und das habe ich ihn auch gesagt. habe dann aber akzeptiert das er nicht will, was mich aber nur verletzt hat. weil ich sein handeln nicht verstehen könnte. wie kann er sagen er will keine beziehung aber benimmt sich wie in eine? das sind doch wiedersprüche.... naja wie gesagt ich kanns so nicht mehr weiter führen ich will mehr und er nicht und hab ihn nun überall gelöscht und kann mich bei ihm nicht mehr melden. denkt ihr es wird ihn auffallen und denkt ihr ich hab richtig gehandelt? glaubt ihr er wird sich melden und mich vermissen ? .... das ging ja seit juli mit uns so...

naja ich bin ziemlich traurig gerade und nur noch am heulen. es fühlt sich so an als hätte ich etwas wichtiges aufgegeben oder verloren und irgendwie fühlt sich das nicht richtig an. aber ihn wieder eine einladung in facebook schicken kann ich nicht, er würde denken ich spinne ....

...zum Beitrag

ich denke, es wird ihm auf jeden fall auffallen. ob du das richtige getan hast, kann ich dir nicht sagen. wenn es dir so besser geht, ja, aber das tut es ja anscheinend zur zeit nicht. du hättest ihm vielleicht sagen sollen, dass du den kontakt abbrechen willst, da du es so nicht mehr aushältst. denn ich weiß nicht , wie er reagiert, wenn er das jetzt so rauskriegt. wenn er um dich kämpft und dich zurückhaben will, so wie du es willst, wird er so wie vorher weiterleben wollen und das wäre auch nicht das richtige. dir blieb also nicht viel übrig als den kontakt abzubrechen, auch wenn das jetzt am anfang schwer ist...

...zur Antwort

ich glaub das ist bei jedem jungen unterschiedlich .wenn du ihn jeden tag anschreibst könnte ich das schon nerven. das siehst du ja daran wieviel er antwortet und/oder ob er dich auch mal anschreibt. angeblich wollen jungs ja selber die mädchen 'erobern' müssen und finden es gerade deshalb nicht so toll, wenn man ihnen hinterherläuft. aber es gibt bestimmt auch jungs die es toll finden, wenn sie aufmerksamkeit kriegen. ;)

...zur Antwort
Englisch Berichtigung 11.September

Wäre sehr nett wenn jemand mein referat korrigieren könnte. Vom zweiten teil schreibe ich ein link drunter. Vielen Danke im voraus!

The 11th September 2001 I think if I say the three magic words World Trade Center everybody knows what it means!

I want to tell about the 11th September 2001.The day the world has changed.

Four terror attacks were carried out on important buildings in the U.S.A. It has begun at the airport in Portland in the morning of 11 September. Mohammed Atta bought a ticket to Boston and met three other men at the airport. In Boston he climbed into the plane of American Airlines to Los Angeles. Mohammed Atta hijacked the machine, and bringed them into his power. The police was informed less than 20 minutes later

At 8.46 Clock the first airplane flied in the 417 m high north tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people died.At first many people thought it was an accident. Worldwide TV channels reported live about the supposedly accident in New York. At 9.03 a second plane flied into the South Tower of the WTC. A huge fireball shot on the opposite side of the building. A large fire brought out. The people escaped from the buildings, some People jumped out of the window to save. Thousands of humans all over the world look at these scenario. At this time it was clear that these are targeted attacks. At a time in which the WTC was full the plane flies into it.

The President George W. Bush heared about this attack during a school visit to Sarasota. Later he remarks: "Today we are witness a national tragedy ... It is apparently a terrorist attack on our country." Many volunteers are spilled during their evacuation. It was a hell for thousands of helper. But 87% of the people who were at the building could be saved. At 9.37Uhr the attack is not over yet, another Plane flies in to the Pentagon. All 64 passengers on the machine are killed. The government could close the whole airspace. All machines must be controlled to the nearest airport and land. Perhaps is the white house the next target? To make sure was it evacuated.

The last machine is flying over Pennsylvania at the rate Washington DC. It can happen, however passengers to overpower the hijackers. The plane crashed in an open field near Pittsburgh. 44 people on board, the courage to try to prevent something worse, pay with their lives. The 415 meter high south tower collapses in just 10 seconds. The north tower just half an hour later. It was the collapse destroyed much in the near including a German bank. At 17.20 clock the building WTC 7 brok-down

The sad outcome of these attacks: 3,000 people killed and 6000 are hurt. More than 3200 children lose their parents on this day. The U.S. is in a state of shock. For the first time since 1814 (since the struggles for independence), These were the first attack in their own country.

...zum Beitrag

The President George W. Bush heared... heard ;D so jetzt hab ich kb mehr :D

...zur Antwort
Englisch Berichtigung 11.September

Wäre sehr nett wenn jemand mein referat korrigieren könnte. Vom zweiten teil schreibe ich ein link drunter. Vielen Danke im voraus!

The 11th September 2001 I think if I say the three magic words World Trade Center everybody knows what it means!

I want to tell about the 11th September 2001.The day the world has changed.

Four terror attacks were carried out on important buildings in the U.S.A. It has begun at the airport in Portland in the morning of 11 September. Mohammed Atta bought a ticket to Boston and met three other men at the airport. In Boston he climbed into the plane of American Airlines to Los Angeles. Mohammed Atta hijacked the machine, and bringed them into his power. The police was informed less than 20 minutes later

At 8.46 Clock the first airplane flied in the 417 m high north tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people died.At first many people thought it was an accident. Worldwide TV channels reported live about the supposedly accident in New York. At 9.03 a second plane flied into the South Tower of the WTC. A huge fireball shot on the opposite side of the building. A large fire brought out. The people escaped from the buildings, some People jumped out of the window to save. Thousands of humans all over the world look at these scenario. At this time it was clear that these are targeted attacks. At a time in which the WTC was full the plane flies into it.

The President George W. Bush heared about this attack during a school visit to Sarasota. Later he remarks: "Today we are witness a national tragedy ... It is apparently a terrorist attack on our country." Many volunteers are spilled during their evacuation. It was a hell for thousands of helper. But 87% of the people who were at the building could be saved. At 9.37Uhr the attack is not over yet, another Plane flies in to the Pentagon. All 64 passengers on the machine are killed. The government could close the whole airspace. All machines must be controlled to the nearest airport and land. Perhaps is the white house the next target? To make sure was it evacuated.

The last machine is flying over Pennsylvania at the rate Washington DC. It can happen, however passengers to overpower the hijackers. The plane crashed in an open field near Pittsburgh. 44 people on board, the courage to try to prevent something worse, pay with their lives. The 415 meter high south tower collapses in just 10 seconds. The north tower just half an hour later. It was the collapse destroyed much in the near including a German bank. At 17.20 clock the building WTC 7 brok-down

The sad outcome of these attacks: 3,000 people killed and 6000 are hurt. More than 3200 children lose their parents on this day. The U.S. is in a state of shock. For the first time since 1814 (since the struggles for independence), These were the first attack in their own country.

...zum Beitrag

Thousands of humans all over the world look at these scenario und At a time in which the WTC was full the plane flies into it.

vergangenheit oder??

...zur Antwort
Englisch Berichtigung 11.September

Wäre sehr nett wenn jemand mein referat korrigieren könnte. Vom zweiten teil schreibe ich ein link drunter. Vielen Danke im voraus!

The 11th September 2001 I think if I say the three magic words World Trade Center everybody knows what it means!

I want to tell about the 11th September 2001.The day the world has changed.

Four terror attacks were carried out on important buildings in the U.S.A. It has begun at the airport in Portland in the morning of 11 September. Mohammed Atta bought a ticket to Boston and met three other men at the airport. In Boston he climbed into the plane of American Airlines to Los Angeles. Mohammed Atta hijacked the machine, and bringed them into his power. The police was informed less than 20 minutes later

At 8.46 Clock the first airplane flied in the 417 m high north tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people died.At first many people thought it was an accident. Worldwide TV channels reported live about the supposedly accident in New York. At 9.03 a second plane flied into the South Tower of the WTC. A huge fireball shot on the opposite side of the building. A large fire brought out. The people escaped from the buildings, some People jumped out of the window to save. Thousands of humans all over the world look at these scenario. At this time it was clear that these are targeted attacks. At a time in which the WTC was full the plane flies into it.

The President George W. Bush heared about this attack during a school visit to Sarasota. Later he remarks: "Today we are witness a national tragedy ... It is apparently a terrorist attack on our country." Many volunteers are spilled during their evacuation. It was a hell for thousands of helper. But 87% of the people who were at the building could be saved. At 9.37Uhr the attack is not over yet, another Plane flies in to the Pentagon. All 64 passengers on the machine are killed. The government could close the whole airspace. All machines must be controlled to the nearest airport and land. Perhaps is the white house the next target? To make sure was it evacuated.

The last machine is flying over Pennsylvania at the rate Washington DC. It can happen, however passengers to overpower the hijackers. The plane crashed in an open field near Pittsburgh. 44 people on board, the courage to try to prevent something worse, pay with their lives. The 415 meter high south tower collapses in just 10 seconds. The north tower just half an hour later. It was the collapse destroyed much in the near including a German bank. At 17.20 clock the building WTC 7 brok-down

The sad outcome of these attacks: 3,000 people killed and 6000 are hurt. More than 3200 children lose their parents on this day. The U.S. is in a state of shock. For the first time since 1814 (since the struggles for independence), These were the first attack in their own country.

...zum Beitrag

At 8.46 Clock the first airplane flied in the 417 -----> das heißt auch flew oder so ;D

...zur Antwort
Englisch Berichtigung 11.September

Wäre sehr nett wenn jemand mein referat korrigieren könnte. Vom zweiten teil schreibe ich ein link drunter. Vielen Danke im voraus!

The 11th September 2001 I think if I say the three magic words World Trade Center everybody knows what it means!

I want to tell about the 11th September 2001.The day the world has changed.

Four terror attacks were carried out on important buildings in the U.S.A. It has begun at the airport in Portland in the morning of 11 September. Mohammed Atta bought a ticket to Boston and met three other men at the airport. In Boston he climbed into the plane of American Airlines to Los Angeles. Mohammed Atta hijacked the machine, and bringed them into his power. The police was informed less than 20 minutes later

At 8.46 Clock the first airplane flied in the 417 m high north tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people died.At first many people thought it was an accident. Worldwide TV channels reported live about the supposedly accident in New York. At 9.03 a second plane flied into the South Tower of the WTC. A huge fireball shot on the opposite side of the building. A large fire brought out. The people escaped from the buildings, some People jumped out of the window to save. Thousands of humans all over the world look at these scenario. At this time it was clear that these are targeted attacks. At a time in which the WTC was full the plane flies into it.

The President George W. Bush heared about this attack during a school visit to Sarasota. Later he remarks: "Today we are witness a national tragedy ... It is apparently a terrorist attack on our country." Many volunteers are spilled during their evacuation. It was a hell for thousands of helper. But 87% of the people who were at the building could be saved. At 9.37Uhr the attack is not over yet, another Plane flies in to the Pentagon. All 64 passengers on the machine are killed. The government could close the whole airspace. All machines must be controlled to the nearest airport and land. Perhaps is the white house the next target? To make sure was it evacuated.

The last machine is flying over Pennsylvania at the rate Washington DC. It can happen, however passengers to overpower the hijackers. The plane crashed in an open field near Pittsburgh. 44 people on board, the courage to try to prevent something worse, pay with their lives. The 415 meter high south tower collapses in just 10 seconds. The north tower just half an hour later. It was the collapse destroyed much in the near including a German bank. At 17.20 clock the building WTC 7 brok-down

The sad outcome of these attacks: 3,000 people killed and 6000 are hurt. More than 3200 children lose their parents on this day. The U.S. is in a state of shock. For the first time since 1814 (since the struggles for independence), These were the first attack in their own country.

...zum Beitrag

and bringed them into his power --> brought :D

...zur Antwort
Englisch Berichtigung 11.September

Wäre sehr nett wenn jemand mein referat korrigieren könnte. Vom zweiten teil schreibe ich ein link drunter. Vielen Danke im voraus!

The 11th September 2001 I think if I say the three magic words World Trade Center everybody knows what it means!

I want to tell about the 11th September 2001.The day the world has changed.

Four terror attacks were carried out on important buildings in the U.S.A. It has begun at the airport in Portland in the morning of 11 September. Mohammed Atta bought a ticket to Boston and met three other men at the airport. In Boston he climbed into the plane of American Airlines to Los Angeles. Mohammed Atta hijacked the machine, and bringed them into his power. The police was informed less than 20 minutes later

At 8.46 Clock the first airplane flied in the 417 m high north tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people died.At first many people thought it was an accident. Worldwide TV channels reported live about the supposedly accident in New York. At 9.03 a second plane flied into the South Tower of the WTC. A huge fireball shot on the opposite side of the building. A large fire brought out. The people escaped from the buildings, some People jumped out of the window to save. Thousands of humans all over the world look at these scenario. At this time it was clear that these are targeted attacks. At a time in which the WTC was full the plane flies into it.

The President George W. Bush heared about this attack during a school visit to Sarasota. Later he remarks: "Today we are witness a national tragedy ... It is apparently a terrorist attack on our country." Many volunteers are spilled during their evacuation. It was a hell for thousands of helper. But 87% of the people who were at the building could be saved. At 9.37Uhr the attack is not over yet, another Plane flies in to the Pentagon. All 64 passengers on the machine are killed. The government could close the whole airspace. All machines must be controlled to the nearest airport and land. Perhaps is the white house the next target? To make sure was it evacuated.

The last machine is flying over Pennsylvania at the rate Washington DC. It can happen, however passengers to overpower the hijackers. The plane crashed in an open field near Pittsburgh. 44 people on board, the courage to try to prevent something worse, pay with their lives. The 415 meter high south tower collapses in just 10 seconds. The north tower just half an hour later. It was the collapse destroyed much in the near including a German bank. At 17.20 clock the building WTC 7 brok-down

The sad outcome of these attacks: 3,000 people killed and 6000 are hurt. More than 3200 children lose their parents on this day. The U.S. is in a state of shock. For the first time since 1814 (since the struggles for independence), These were the first attack in their own country.

...zum Beitrag

also als erstes fällt mir auf dass der if-sentence falsch ist.. ich glaub es heißt: everybody will know what it means...

...zur Antwort

oli p. ?- flugzeuge im bauch? früher auch eins meiner lieblingslieder ;D

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