englisch mündliche Prüfung klasse 7...Hilfe?

Hallo, ich bin in der 7. Klasse und habe Morgen eine mündliche Prüfung in Englisch. Wir sollen ein Vortrag über ein bestimmtes Thema halten (ungefähr 5 Minuten, wir dürfen Notizen/Stichpunkte mitnehmen) und danach sollen wir mit einem Partner ein Dialog führen. Ich habe für den Vortrag das London Eye als Thema und habe einen Text darüber geschrieben, den ich dann stichpunktartig nochmal schreibe um freier zu sprechen. Das hier ist der Text, ist der grammatikalisch und so richtig oder müsste ich noch was verändern?

,, I choose the topic ' the London Eye', because I was there and it was really cool and I can say pretty much about it. the London Eye is with 135 meters the biggest ferris wheel in Europe. That's so tall, like 64 stacked of those red Telephone box, which you can find everywhere in London (Bei dem Satz bin ich mir unsicher). But the London eye goes very slowly, you can compare the speed with a turtel and it takes over a half hour to wait in of the 32 capsules. But did you know, that you can celebrate your birthday up there? You will get a chocolate cake and can have a party with an amazing view of the Big Ben, the Westminster Abbey, the Buckingham Palace and many sightseeings more. It's also possible to marry there, but you can have only 25 guests, because a capsule can't carry more persons (oder sollte man 'persons' durch 'people' ersetzen). In the afternoon and on Saturday and Sunday the queue for the London eye is very long and sometimes you must stay longer there as in the capsule, so it's better to go in the morning on Monday to Friday. In the evening it's probably the most beautifull view. You can visit the London eye since 2000 and today it's one of the most famous sightseeings and attractions in London. Everyday around 15,000 people buy a ticket.

All in all I would say that it's awesome to be in the London Eye, it's a view that I will never forget. "

Danke für Hilfe

...zum Beitrag

 "I chose the topic ' the London Eye', because I was there and it was really cool, that's why I can say a lot about it. the London Eye is with 135 meters the biggest ferris wheel in Europe. That's as tall as 64 stacked red Telephone boxes, which you can find everywhere in London (jetzt nicht mehr;)). But the London eye goes very slowly, you can compare the speed with a turtel and it takes over an half an hour to wait in one of the 32 capsules. But did you know, that you can celebrate your birthday up there? You will get a chocolate cake and can have a party with an amazing view of the Big Ben, the Westminster Abbey, the Buckingham Palace and many other sights. It's also possible to get married in the London Eye, but you can have only 25 guests, because a capsule can't carry more people (oder sollte man 'persons' durch 'people' ersetzen ->Jo :)). In the afternoon and on Saturday and Sunday the queue for the London eye is very long and sometimes you must stay longer there as in the capsule, so it's better to go on Monday to Friday in the morning. In the evening it's probably the most beautifull view. You can visit the London eye since 2000 and today it's one of the most famous sightseeings and attractions in London. Around 15,000 people buy a ticket everyday.

All in all I would say that it's awesome to be in the London Eye, it's a view that I will never forget. " 

Hoffe ich konnte dir helfen und wünsche dir viel Glück;) Ist ein sehr guter Text.


...zur Antwort

machs persönlich wenn ja frag sie doch einfach ob du schnell mit ihr reden kannst und dann frag einfach :D viel Glück

...zur Antwort
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