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Staten Island Staten Island is an island on the east coast of the United States and it is one of the five boroughs of New York. Staten Island is located in the southwest part of the New York City. History: In 1898 Staten Island became a district of New York. On 21 November 1964 the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge was opened, which resulted in a strong increase in population in the following decades. Sights: Besides some interesting houses built in the 17th and 18th century, including the Conference House (1680) and the Voorlezer's Housefrom (1695). These are the two oldest surviving school buildings in the United States. There are many parks on Staten Island and also a ferry that travels to the famous Statue of Liberty. Population, economy and education: Staten Island has a population of around 440,000 of the least populated borough of New York. The city with suburban character is marked by loosely-built residential areas and green spaces. On the island there are major shipyards and oil refineries, as well as severalcolleges and a campus of Saint John's University. Traffic: One can reach the island from Manhattan using the Staten Island Ferry or via Brooklyn over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Along the east coast of the island runs the Staten Iseland Railway.

Landfill: Since 1948, located on Staten Isand, the Fresh Kills landfill, which served the city of New York for more than half a century as a central dump. The name derives from the Dutch word for a body of water. It comes in several variants in the region. The landfillwas one of the largest man-made surveys of the world and was notorious for itsstrong outgassing of methane gas. In March 2001 it was closed after growingprotests, and in 2003 began the restoration. The rubble of the destroyed World Trade Center by terrorist attacks from 2001/2002 was stored here.

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