The cartoon by Phil published on the internet website with the caption "" deals with the Brexit under the leadership of Borris Johnssen.

In the centre of the cartoon is a big ship with the inscription "Great Britain", that is crashing into a big ice rock with the inscription "EU" and the stars of the eu flag on it.

Moreover, the ship and ice rock are surrounded by water in the bottom of the cartoon.

Also there is a man with blond hair, that is wearing a suit on the top of the ship. He is saying throught a speech bubble "Ich bin...". The speeh bubble is on the top left corner of the cartoon. Furthermore the ship has cracks on the spots that are hitting the ice rock. So of course the ship is sinking .

His body language and face expression shows, that he is insane and crazy. Moreover, throught the details that the man has like the blond hair and originally face erverybody can see that the man stands for Borris Johnnnes.