TALKING ABOUT STATISTICS..morgen englischarbeit >.< brauche eure hilfe


ich schreib morgen eine englischarbeit und wir müssen eine statistik beschreiben.. weiß leider überhaupt gaaarnicht wie..>.< ich hab jetzt eine geschrieben aber weiß nicht ob das so ok ist..vllt kann mir ja einer von euch noch tipps oder ähnliches geben??? konnte leider kein bild von der statistik mit hochladen aber hier ist meine Beschreibung :

These two bar charts are about rainfall in different Australian cities. The first chart shows the average rainfall per year in mm. The other one below compares the number of rainy days in the six cities. At the first view you can see that Cairns has a big bar in both statistics. With about 2000mm of average rainfall distributed on about 155 rainy days per year it has the highest rate of rainfall. But if you compare the number of rainy days in Cairns to the other five cities, you can see that there is even a higher number of average rainy days in Hobart. But with an average rainfall of only 650mm per year there is not as much rainfall like in the other cities. Also in Melbourne and Sydney are high numbers of rainy days, but in comparison with the other bars the average rainfall is only the minority of the total rainfall of this six cities. In comparison to Cairns Alice Springs has to be a very dry city. There are only 40 rainy days a year and there is an average rainfall about only 300mm per year. So Alice Springs has the smallest bar in this statistic. Another city where is a high number of average rainfall is Darwin. Another city, which is shown in the statistic, is Darwin. There is an average rainfall about 1500mm a year and about 100 rainy days. So in Darwin the rainfall and the rainy days are equable. On the left side of the statistics you can see comic that shows the “Department For Recording Rainfall”. In the picture you can see three persons. One of them is playing golf, another one is reading the newspaper and the woman at the back is playing cards. Out of the Window the sun is shining. To conclude you can say that the three persons in the comic should better do their work, because in Australia the sun is not shining brightly. There is much rain in this country so normally they have to do lots of work!

rechtschreib und grammatikfehler sind egal darum gets mir grade nicht nur um den inhalt..

Danke schonmal im voraus (:

Englisch, Schule, Hausaufgaben
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