Ich versuche mich gerade an meinen Englischhausaufgaben - einen Comment über das Thema "criminal responsibility at the age of 10".

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Nowadays many people think that the criminal responsibility should be set to the age of 10 in Germany. Is that right?

On one hand are children at the age of 10 too young for prison. They don’t know the consequences of what they are doing. Or did you know at this age which punishment you get for e.g. for shoplifting? But on the other hand it’s unfair that younger people have no criminal responsibility. I am convinced that we must set an example. The problem is that a lot of children are criminal because they know they can’t get punished. So I think they have to learn to bear responsibility earlier because they shouldn’t get into trouble. The next point I want to mention is if they know what is allowed to do and which punishment they will get for which kind of crime, they will be scared off. So the risk that they will get criminal in the future could be minimised. But what is also to do? In my point of view punishment by oneself can’t help alone. The children have to be taught this in school and by their parents.

I come to the conclusion that this law would help but we have to do more than just changing a law. Also I think that the age of criminal responsibility should be set to the age of 12 because in my opinion the age of 10 is too young.

Ich würde mich sehr über Tipps und auch jegliche Kritik freuen! LG moriarty123