Hey Leute wollte mal fragen ob das so stimmt, also ob ich das so schreiben kann... verbesserungvorschläge immer gerne gehört :)

She is a very good looking person and she has always a smile on her lips and rosy cheeks. Her blue eyes are very beautyful and her long brown-blond hair too. The person i am talking about is my best friend.

She ist the friendlyies person alive. Tanja is so sympathetic and when i need her she is her for me. She is so cool and my best friend since i was a little child. I often look at those people who call the person they met a few days befor their best friends. All i do is laught because i thinkt of this girl, who is just perfect for me and i know her for so many years. I am so happy to call her my best friend, because she listens to me when i am talking and i could tell her everything i am afraid of. My best friend is one of the most important people in my life. She teached me to be always myself because there are people out there, who loves me the way i am…

As a result, she is my other half and i am so lucky to know her.