Hallo, ich muss ein text über mich und meine Familie schreiben und würde gerne eure Hilfe annehmen und uhr mir sagt was falsch ist danke im vorraus: I would like to tell you something about myself and my family. First of all, i will tell you something about me. My name is Lea...and i was born on the 21st of February 2000 in Ben. I'm 15 years old. I lived in (ort)for six years and I've been at the school there till grade 8. Last year we moved to (ort) during the summer holidays. It's a small village and i live in a nice house with my family. At the moment I'm still at the Strombergschool ort..n. I want to graduate on this school and then i will make my realschoolgraduation at a vacational school. After that, i don't know what I'm going to do as a job. My hobbies are dancing, karate, shopping and meeting my friends. My parents are divorced since one year. My dad had a new girlfriend, her name is Diana. She has a little daughter, her name is Mn. and she's three years old. They lived here too. Now i will speak about my parents. My mother's name is S and she was born on the 29th of September 1976 in Strt. She's 38 years old and works in a (ort) und beruf. Her parents, so my grandparents, are from Serbia. My mother can speak Serbian. She has a big brother, his name is Dn. And she has a little sister too, her name is Ma. My mother lives in g. Her hobbie is shopping. My father's name is J and he was born on the 21st of December 1970 in Stt. He's 44 years old and worked as a cook, careshare and tattooer. My dad has an older brother, his name is U. His parents, so my other grandparents live in Km, it's near strt. Now i want to tell you something about my siblings. I have a big brother, his name is L. He's 16 years old and was born on the 20th of march 1998 in Bn. He goes to a vacational school in B and will make his high school graduation. After that he will make his realschoolgraduation. His hobbies are fitness, going to parties and meeting his friends. He had a bartagame as a pet. Bartagames come exclusively from Australia. There are omnivores. My brother and i are very close. At last i will tell something about my little sister. Her name is e. She's 11 years old and was born on the 27th of March 2003 in Stt. She goes to a comprehensives in en. She's in grade six. Her hobbies are gymnastics, swimming and meeting her friends. That was my family.