Brief Gasteltern Kanada (Englisch)


wir müssen für unsere Tochter einen Brief an ihre Gasteltern in Kanada verfassen. Unser Englisch ist nicht sehr gut, deshalb wäre es nett, wenn jemand unsere Fehler korrigiert. Danke im Vorraus!

My dear guest parents

Thank you for opening your house to our daughter xxx. Our names are xxx and xxx. We are the parents of xxx. We are farmers near Cologne with a lot of cows and a lot of work. We hope you will have a great time together. xxxx waits for the moment to go to Canada and she is a little bit nervous. xxx has an older brother named xxxx (20) and a younger sister named xxx (16). xxx finished the German high school this springtime and she works now in a pub to get money for her trip to Canada. In her free time she spends a lot of time with her friends and she likes to play tennis. Also she likes cooking and she does it very well. In future xxx wants to work with people, but she doesn’t know exactly what kind of work. Now she wants to go to another country to see another way of life and learn the language. xxxx is very ambitions and sometimes too impatient. xxx(brother)xxx wants to be a good farmer, so he makes a vocational Training and in the next two years he goes back to school. xxx(sister)xxx goes to high school and she will finished in two years. Cologne and the area around is a part of Germany well known for the cathedral cologne and for a special way of life. People are very tolerant and love to make party like “Karneval�?. Foreigners are always welcome and the most important thing is soccer. We hope xxxx will enjoy the trip and come back with a lot of new experience from Canada.

Many Greetings

Englisch, Brief, Kanada, Amerika, Schüleraustausch
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