HALLO ich brauche Dringend eure HILFE !!! ich muss ein Englisch referat machen und habe das Thema: über mich und meine Famiele genommen . naja nun habe ich folgendes Problem das referat ist schon disen Freitag und ich habe schon was Vorbereitet aber dazu brauche ich nur 3 minuten also brauche ich nun eure Hilfe !!!! ich brauche noch 2 minuten Das ist mein Referat.

I want to tell you something about me and my family. My name is Kevin Hansche and I'm fifteen years old. I was born in Berlin and 2005, my parents and I moved to Radolfzell Berlin is a very beautiful city and Berlin is the capital of Germany. But Radolfzell is also very nice. I have found many friends here. The Name of my scool is Radoldoldushool this is in radolfzell and I visit the 9th class. I´m the class President. I have two half brothers, their names are Patrick and Jeffrey. My half brothers live in Berlin, My mother works as a saleswoman and my father works as a bricklayer in Switzerland My Hobbies are cycling and playing football with my frinds. In the summer i like to swimming in the lake and in the winter i like to skiing in the mountains. I also enjoy playing online games by the laptop. I have not a pet, but when i lived in Berlin i had a pet. We have had 2 Degos but they are died Now i like to have a cat but my mum has a allergy. My favorite meal is cutlet and i hate