Ich möchte gerne in england ein Internat besuchen. Virraussetztungen dafür ist aber ein selbstgeschriebener Aufsatz über mich - auf englisch! BITTE BERRICHTIGEN& ERGÄNZEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Mein Text: This Letter Should give you an insight in my life & personality: First I want to introduce myself: My name is....I live in a small town near....,called...with my parents & my sister...(4) & my brother...(12). My father works as.......my family is very important for me& we have a really good relationship. Other important persons in my life, are my friends. I spend all my free time with them. Except; i am doing other hobbies: I like to play tennis & sometimes the piano.therefore, i would be happy, if I could continue my hobbies in England. I often have heard,that in English schools, there are Orchestras and other musical and sporting activities.if that should not be so, it would not be that bad, because I have more positiv reasons to vistit an English school: I would like to learn English very well, I would like to make new contacts & think, I will gain very funny experience l. And, of coarse,because my annoying sisters!:-) at the moment I go to the......school. After the holidays, I will visit grade 9. But maybe, I will be in an Englisch school. In Grade 7 I chose French as my second language.