Hallo, Ich brauche dringend eure Hilfe und zwar geht es um einen Praktikumsbericht... ich habe in einem Kindergarten eine Praktikum gemacht und soll nun für meinen Englischlehrer eine kleine Zusammenfassung schreiben. Nun meine Frage , wäre jemand so nett und würde mir diesen Text mal korrigieren bzw mal gucken ob die Zeit überhaupt stimmt ! Ist SUPER wichtig, da ich eine gute note dringend brauche ! Vielen Dank im Voraus ! Und hier zum Text :

I have one week time in the kindergarten ST. Konrad in Metternich to get experiences about the job kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Linke helps me if I had questions. She is very nice and helpful. At first she shows me the kindergarten (all rooms) after that I get a class with little children. All children like me directly, because I play with they all the time. Moreover , some little girls wants that I draw a heart or a butterfly for her mum. One day we make together a castle of paper. That was great! All girls play with the castle. For my part, I can say I have a lot of fun and I have learning very much. I´m very lucky that I get a view of the job kindergarten teacher. In addition to that, it should never be forgotten that children in this age are very lovely and nice. And we have to show the right way for they life, because they are our future.