Hallo Community,

Ich bin seit Tagen dran meinen Brief für die Gastfamilie zu schreiben aber irgendwie komme ich nicht weiter. Der Brief soll 2-4 Seiten lang sein aber ich weiß nicht was ich noch dazu schreiben soll. Kann mir da vielleicht jemand weiter helfen?

Dear Hostfamily,

I am XXX, I'm 15 years old and I am from Germany. I live togehter with my mother in a small flat. I have an older brother he is 28 years old and he is studying in a other city. I have a really good relationship with my mother and we spend a lot of time together in our freetime. I dont see my brother often, maybe one time in year, because he don't have time to visit us.

I visit the 10th grade of the Highschool in Germany. My favourite subjects are English,History and Geographic, because I like it to learn other languages and I want to know what is happend before I was born.

My Mother and me travel a lot in our freetime one of the best Journey was to South Africa in 2005 we have seen a lot of animals like lions, zebras and hippos! But i think our best Journey will be in the easter holidays 2016 to Los Angeles, because America has always fascinated me! In my freetime I often meet my friends and we hang out together or we go to the cinema and watch movies. I really like sport activities like basketball,swimming and horse riding, but I also go to the fitness studio with a friend.

I would describe myself as a friendly personality and I think that I could easy integrate into a new community. I am curious about new people and hope to meet many interesting and friendly new people.