ich habe ein comment über gloabel warming geschrieben...brauche ich für eine englischarbeit. Ist das comment so okay und das englisch? Habe es mit einem Freund geschrieben..

The question of global warming has long been a point of argument between scientists. Are we really threatened? Is mankind purposely destroying our planet? If so, is it too late to save it or is the climate change natural and outside of our power to change? Is it just a conspiracy? I will answer these questions in the following paragraphs.

One reason to worry is the fact that through global warming the Arctic glaciers are melting and causing the loss of the natural habitats of natural wildlife of the area such as the polar bears. But the opposite is true, the polar bear population has grown from 5000 in 1950 to approximately 25,000. Through this we can clearly see that the polar bears are not in danger of becoming endangered species. How are things looking with our atmosphere? Through the enormous amount of carbon dioxide being produced by our factories, as well as our wasteful lifestyles, many scientists claim that we have increased the size of the hole in the ozone layer. They are blaming mankind for putting so many pollutants into the troposphere which is causing the planet the heat up.

Habe keine Zeichen mehr frei, deswegen kommt die Fortsetzung als Antwort.