Abschlussprüfung in Englisch Introduce Yourself bitte um Hilfe!

Hallo Community, ich werde morgen mein ein Englisch Vortrag machen und ein Teil davon ist es ein Introduce Yourself zu machen. Ich wollte euch nur noch um etwas Kritik zu meinem bereits fertigen Text bitten. LG Perz1

Hello I am …. I am … years old and I live with my mum, dad and now my with Uncle in the Village …. My uncle came to us, because he don't find a job in Poland and Denmark. At this moment he work for the privat company from my dad. My Mother is a housewife and my dad work in hannover for the company MTU and he have had a own private company for work in the garden. I don't have brothers or sisters, but a little swee dog. His Name is …, he is now 6 years old and he is very small and cute.

In my free time I do a lot of sports, because I love the physical education like football and jogging. For example every Staurday I play with my friends in hannover and when I have time I go jogging, because I training for a marathon in this summer. But I also like to reading books. Especially Budhism, because i love the interesting culture. Another big role in my live plays to travel. Last summer I was with my friends for 2 weeks in America. It was a fantastic experience for me. We have had make a trip from L.A (Los Angeles) to Las Vegas to Phenix and back to L.A. My highlights was the nightlife in Las Vegas, because all the casinos and hotels are so big and awesome. And all the beautiful lights loss so fantastic. The other Highligt was the Grand Canyon, because was so empresses fom the special light, the huge mountains and the beautiful nature. And so i have swear to myself i came back to this point. I also like cooking, especially with friends. I learn cooking every Friday and cooking make for me fun and i can now very good cook, so me meals are very delicious.

I am now in the class ten, this is my last year at the OBS Winsen. And so i aim its to leaving it with a good school certificate. My favorite subjects are Sport and Maths, because both subjects are very easy and simple for me .

My dream is to become later a policeman, because i like to do a job in a uniform and save and help other people .

This was my Introduce Yourself.

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Hier eine Verbesserung meinerseits:

Hello I am …. I am … years old and I live with my mum, dad and now with my Uncle in the Village …. My uncle came to us, because he can´t find a job in Poland or Denmark. At the moment he is working for the privat company of my dad. My Mother is a housewife and my dad works in hannover for the company MTU and he ... had an own private company for work in the garden. I don't have brothers or sisters, but a little sweet dog. His Name is …, he is ... 6 years old and he is very small and cute.

In my free time I do a lot of sports, because I love ... physical education like football and jogging. For example every Staurday I play with my friends in hannover and when I have time I go jogging, because I´am training for a marathon ... this summer. But I also like to read ... books. Especially Budhism, because i love the interesting culture. Another big role in my live plays to travel. Last summer I had been with my friends for 2 weeks in America. It was a fantastic experience for me. We have had make a trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas to Phenix and back to  Los Angeles. My highlight had been the nightlife in Las Vegas, because all the casinos and hotels are so big and awesome. And all the beautiful lights loss so fantastic. An other highligt was the Grand Canyon, because I had been so impressed fom the special light, the huge mountains and the beautiful nature. And so i had sworn to myself i will come back to this point. I also like cooking, especially with friends. I learn how to cook every Friday and cooking makes fun for me and i  know very good to cook, so my meals are very delicious.

I am now in the class ten, this is my last year at the OBS Winsen. And so i aim its to leaving it with a good school certificate. My favorite subjects are Sport and Maths, because both subjects are very easy and simple for me .

My dream is to become later a policeman, because i like to do a job in a uniform and save and help other people .

This was my Introduce Yourself.

Hoffe es hilft dir ... Keine Garantie

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Ja der Ball ist im Tor wenn er nach den regeln gespielt reinkommt zählt er

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Geh zum Psychater wenn du es nötig hast dir follower und likes zu kaufen. Denk doch mal nach damit betrügst du dich selber nur weil du zu wenig selbstvertrauen hast. Wieso identifizierst du dich durch soziale netzwerke? Fang mit Sport an um mehr selbstbewusstsein zu erhalten, dann hast du etwas worauf du stolz sein kannst. Wenn es dir wirklich nur um likes und follower geht such dir reallife freunde

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