Python discord NonType Error?

Ich habe einen Error in meinem Code:

async def on_submit(self, interaction2: discord.Interaction):
    response = await sendRequests(str(self.username), str(, str(self.password))
    if response == "email":
        await interaction2.response.send_message("Incorrect email format", ephemeral=True)
    if response == "password":
        await interaction2.response.send_message("Incorrect password format. The password must meet these requirements: \nOne Uppercase letter \nOne lowercase letter \nOne number\n A special character ", ephemeral=True)
    if response == "maintenance":
        await interaction2.response.send_message("The system is currently under maintenance. Please look in #news for more infos.", ephemeral=True)
    query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
    main.cursor.execute(query, (, str(self.username), str(, str(self.password)))
    await interaction2.response.send_message("You are now in the registration process. This can take up to one hour.", ephemeral=True)
    channel =
    await channel.send("make a recaptcha, registration from user : " + str( + " with id: " + str(

[2024-11-23 19:32:43] [ERROR  ] discord.ui.modal: Ignoring exception in modal <RegisterModal timeout=None children=3>:

Traceback (most recent call last):

 File ".venv\Lib\site-packages\discord\ui\", line 189, in _scheduled_task

   await self.on_submit(interaction)

 File "", line 41, in on_submit

   await channel.send("make a recaptcha, registration from user : " + str( + " with id: " + str(


AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send'

Bot, Code, Programmiersprache, Python, Webentwicklung, Python 3, Pycharm, Discord, Discord Bot
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