English argumentative wirting

Ich gehe zurzeit in die 9. Klasse eines Gymnasiums und ich habe eine 5 in Englisch. Daher würde ich mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mir bitte folgenden Text korrigieren würdet. Könntet ihr mir bitte folgenden Text korrigieren:

Today nearly every kid under 13 years has an own smartphone. But is that good for the kids? Some people say smartphones are good for kids and their developing. There are some people saying the kids should learn the technic of smartphones in young age for example to learn for their future job or for school. The childrens could learn in this age how impotant and useful the internet is for example they could learn for school by games and websites like togolino.de. Other people think the childrens in this age could learn for school in smartphones for example with apps. However tere are other people, thinking the comletly opposite. This people have the suspicion that the children could visit websites where they are still under age for example a child could go to a website for pornographic or violency things. The kids should not become an own smartphone because kids in this age should play outside with real friends and not with virtual friends in games for example a kid which is going outside to play is more social than a kid which is sitting all the day at home. When parents pay so much money for a smartphone the kid could lose it for example in sandpit. After looking at both sides I think there are mor disadvantages than advantages for having a smartphone under 13 years. That`s why children in this age should not have an own smartphone. In my opinion parents who buy a smartphone for a child are stupid and irresponsible because they damage the life of their own child.

Englisch, Schule, Englischunterricht, Erörterung, schlechte noten
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