Why i would like to life in the USA / Englisch-Text: Ansehen bitte :)


ich hab einen english Text geschrieben, warum ich in den USA leben möchte.

Wäre toll wenn ihn jemand anschauen könnte :).

**Why I would like to live in the USA

Yes, I would like to live in the USA. I like the beautiful beaches in Florida, also known as “the sunshine state”. Every Evening I would be able to lie on the beach, assumed I have time. At any time of the year it is warm. In winter there is approximately 25 degree centigrade. The next reason why I would like to live in the USA is, because there are so many attractions. The education is there also not bad. There are many technical colleges to study. The United States leads the world in higher education and complementary advantages. In the first place a good business environment, way better than Europe or Canada and in the second place the largest single market in the world. If you do business in the United States of America, you can easily generate revenue to reinvest. Basically this means that doing business in America is preferable to doing business anywhere else in the world. America also leads in Art and Culture. They have Hollywood, Broadway, and Disney. They have vast natural resources, relatively underpopulated countrysides, and one of the highest educated work forces in the world. Finally, I can imaginable to live in the USA for a while, but my commands of English have to go better. But if I really live in the United States later, I have to inform more about the lifestyle in the USA. First of all I have got to take a vacation there and consider the important things there. Then I can only decide, if I live in the USA.**

Vielleicht könnt ihr noch Ideen ergänzen etc., weil ich irgendwie hatte ich zu wenig Informationen darüber.

Und sagt vielleichct eure Meinung über den Text wenn ihr wollt^^.

Aber hauptsächlich: Bitte den Text ansehen und auf auftretende Fehler durchsuchen, ob der Zusammenhang etc. passt.

Danke im voraus :)



...zum Beitrag

Echt cool , der gefällt mir voll gut ;)

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