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My dog and I are best friends. I got him at the animal shelter about 3 months ago. He weighs about 20 pounds now, and I think he's about 1 year old, which is about 10.5 human years. He has spent a lot of time at the veterinarian because he had not been well cared for before I took him in. Housebreaking him has been hard, and I still have to clean up after him once in a while when he decides to go in the house. He likes Purina dog chow, but sometime I slip him some of my food. I do need to be careful what I feed him because some human foods, like chocolate, are dangerous for dogs. On weekends, I often take him to the dog park and play Frisbee with him. He's very good now at running after the Frisbee and catching it in his mouth before it hits the ground. During the week, when I have less time, I usually walk him for about an hour around the neighborhood. Unfortunately he barks a lot when he is lonely (when I am at work, for example), and my neighbors have started to complain. I might have to find a dog sitter to keep him company, but it will be hard to find someone, and it will likely be quite expensive. But I have grown to love him, and want to be the best master I can be, since he has had a hard early life. Maybe I can find another dog owner and we can trade off "dog-sitting" for each other.

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