Könnte ich gut Englisch würde mir das hier bestimmt weiterhelfen:

1.Blinded by the light = Pupils dilated. 2.Runner = staying up through the night 3.Revved up like a deuce = Wired 4. Tripped the merry - go round=Felt so wild 5. ."I'll turn you on..."= Give you something (it's a slang i.e.Turn me on to a joint) 6. checkin' out the weather charts to see if it was safe outside = Make sure there are no cops around 7. Early Burly asked me if I needed a ride = Someone early in the morning that wanted to pick him up because he was hitch hiking. 8. She got down but she never got tired = She's crashed, came off her high but didn't pass out 9. She's gonna make it through the night = She didn't O.D.

Ich kenn das Lied aus meinem Lieblingsfilm "Blow" mir war schon immer klar, dass es was mit Drogen zutun hat. Wüsste gern wofür der Begriff "Blinded by the Light" genau steht, und was diese Metaphern auf Deutsch bedeuten.

Ps: Ich hab kein Bock auf so ne "Gegenfragen-Kommentare" Wenn ihr mir helfen könnt gut :) - ...wenn nicht lasst es!

Dankeeeschöööön :)