Ich muss eine Rede (die eine Minute lang geht) im Englisch Unterricht halten. Mein Thema ist: why public transport should be free. Ich habe meine Rede jetzt fertig und wollte wissen was ich vielleicht verbessern oder anders machen könnte. Das ist sie:

Today, I want to talk about an issue that affects us all - public transport. While many of us rely on public transport to get around, it can be a burden on our wallets. That's why I believe that public transport should be free for everyone.

There are several advantages to free public transport. Firstly, it would encourage more people to use it, which would reduce traffic congestion and pollution in our cities. Secondly, it would make public transport more accessible to low-income individuals family’s, allowing them to travel more easily for work and other activities.

However, there is one potential drawback: the cost - implementing free public transport would require significant investment from governments and could potentially increase taxes.

But in conclusion I believe that the benefits outweigh the costs. By making public transport free, we can create a more equitable and sustainable society. Thank you.