Hello dear xxx and Mr. xxx,

I would like to introduce myself to you.

My Name is xxx but people call me xxx. I am 17 Years old, I am turning 18 in three months. I was born in Albania, in the capital city Tirana. I have 4 siblings 3 brothers and 1 sister, my brothers are called xxx, xxx and xxx. My sister’s name is xxx. They are all older than me. My oldest brother is 29, he still lives in Albania with his wife and they also already have 2 children. Me, my parents and my other siblings moved to Germany when I was 10 Years old. Now we live in xxx. I learned German very quickly. But in the beginning it was hard to find new friends.

I’d also like to tell you something about my hobbies and interests. I like cycling very much, but I hate soccer. During the rest of my spare time I surf on the internet or I often meet friends and go shopping. After school I would like to do a technical diploma. My dream is it to work as a stewardess because I like to travel and because it has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I also want to learn more about other cultures and the languages.