Hey Leute ich brauche unbedingt eure hilfe unswar habe ich bald einen Referat über Colorado zu halten was so 2-3 minuten lang gehen sollte und ich habe mir folgendes überlegt bitte sagt was ich noch verbessern kann und was bleiben kann : Colorado The USA consists of 50 states one of them is Colorado. Colorado is 140,094 square miles large and located in the central western United States (mountain region) . It's the 8th largest country in the USA and Colorados population is 5,029,196. The Capital in Colorado is Denver. The language in Colorado is english. History: Colorado has been a federal State since octobre 1876 and it became the 38th state . The state was named for the colorado river , the nickname is "The Centennial state " cause it became a state 100 years after the signing of the nation's Decloration of independence LANDSCAPE : Colorado consists 38% of forest it's also one of the highest states cause it's a state that encompasses much of the rocky Mountains. The longest river in Colorado is the Colorado river it's 1,450 miles long and it flows to mexico. DENVER: Denver City was foundet in November 1858 as a mining town and the population at that time was 5000 and today it's over 600.000 . Denver is a popular tourist attraction and other people visit Denver in the hope that they might become rich trough gambling. Das war was sollte ich verbessern .. ?