Hallo zusammen,

mein Englisch ist noch nicht so gut, daher bitte ich um Hilfe.

Ich habe zu einigen vorgegebenen Fotos einen Text geschrieben. Es soll ein Travel blog Eintrag sein. Was meint ihr ?

Hey guys!

Welcome to my blog.

Today i want to talk about my trip to Australia.

First, my parents and i had a really long flight from Hamburg to Sydney. We stayed in a very nice hotel in Sydney for 3 days. I was so excited to see the famous Opera House. It is so big and beautiful.

But the very best thing was visiting the Sydney Tower. The Tower stands in the middle oft he city and offers a great view over the city. It was so amazing tob e up there!

Of course we also visited the famous Great Barrier Reef. It is a 2000-km long system of coral reefs. My personal highlight was diving there.

I saw so many kinds of coulorful fish and also some sharks.

Next we spent a few days in the outback of Australia. We made a trip to Uluru. It is also called Ayers Rock and it is a holy place fort he Aboriginal people. I could feel the vastness oft he country and the silence.

After that we visited Daintree, one oft he oldest rainforest oft he world. I have never seen so many animals in freedom. Weh ad a wonderful time there. And the Kangaroos and Koalas are so cute and funny.

On the way back to Sydney, we stopped at the beach to go swimming and surfing.


Thanks for reading!