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Boys bully more than girls. The Boys bully on the physical forms of bullying and the girls tend to bully on indirect ways, for example gossing or excluding. Boys , who bully are physically stronger and have a need to dominate others. Girls who bully tend to be physically weaker than other girls in their class. The Bullies tend to be hyperactive, disruptive, impulsice and active. They came often from "bad" homes. Both boys and girls who are bullied feel sadness and lose interest in activities. What the bullys do: For ecample they taking thigs from you away, stealing your money or taking your friends away from you. If you are bullied , you can tell it your friends, teachers and parents. The best idea is if a teacher can catch the bullies rehanded.


Cyberbullying is a form of bullying, which is happen about the internet. (The bullys make for example fake-profiles or write vicious forum posts.) An example of cberbullying is, when you share a photo from you and the cyberbullies write vicious comments under your photo. What can be done about cyberbullying? The best thing you can do is to ignore the bullying and get help from parents and teachers.