Also ich habe einen Command in meinen DC-Bot gemacht der calc heißt.

async def calc(ctx, x, r, y):
  erg1 = float(x) + float(y)
  erg2 = float(x) - float(y)
  erg3 = float(x) * float(y)
  erg4 = float(x) / float(y)
  erg5 = float(x) ** float(y)
  if r == "+":
    await ctx.send(erg1)
    await ctx.send('Type **l!calchelp** for a list of calculator commands')
  if r == "-":
    await ctx.send(erg2)
    await ctx.send('Type **l!calchelp** for a list of calculator commands')
  if r == "*":
    await ctx.send(erg3)
    await ctx.send('Type **l!calchelp** for a list of calculator commands')
  if r == "/":
    await ctx.send(erg4)
    await ctx.send('Type **l!calchelp** for a list of calculator commands')
  if r == "**":
    await ctx.send(erg5)
    await ctx.send('Type **l!calchelp** for a list of calculator commands')
Aber wenn ich dann !calc 10 + 10 eingebe, kommt diese Meldung:
Ignoring exception in command None:
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "calc10+10" is not found