Ich muss einen kurzen Vortrag halten über Solarenergie. Ich habe schon Vor- und Nachteile, kann die mir jemand korrigieren? Danke schonmal :)

*Advantages Solar energy is a completely renewable resource It doesn't cost anything to make use of the power of the sun. the sun’s energy is absolutely free. Furthermore, solar energy creates absolutely no pollution. Solar cells are silent and have a long lifetime. Solar cells are extremely easy to install

Disadvantages Installation of solar cells is expensive but in the long run it saves quite a lot of money. Solar energy cannot be harnessed during a storm, on a cloudy day or at night. Some days you may still need to rely on other sources of energy. The efficiency of solar cells is low comparing with other resources of energy. So you need more electronic equipment to achieve the same power Geographical location and climate of a place can be a disadvantage of solar energy. The efficiency of the solar cells is dependent on the multitude of the sunlight Air pollution and weather can also have a large effect on the efficiency of the cells.*

Und ich weiß nicht, was ich bei Möglichkeiten und Befürchtungen schreiben soll :( Hat jemand Ideen; Stichpunkte? Bittedanke :)