German schools are getting dirtier and nobody does anything. In America, students take this problem in thei hands, they do some volunteer work and clean public buildings and restore parks. In this written discussion I want to discuss the question "Should german students does some volunteer work at their schools and public buildings".

The first argument for this ide is that students go out of their rooms. They don't watch TV the complete day or play some computer games, they does something for the community.

The next pro argument is that students learn to take responsibility. If they clean a place, they don't want zhat somebody make him dirty. They take care of him.

Now, the first contra argument is that some students does their work sloppy and the other studetns and volunteer worker can't rely on them.

The next contra argument is that students don't want to do this because they earn no money so it is in their point of view waste of time.

The written discussion show that volunteer work on schools is okay. Students do something and leran import things. My conclusion is: We need it in Germany.