Guten Abend ! Also ich habe am Montag die Englisch mündlich Prüfungen. Meine Englisch Lehrerin hat meinen Text zuvor schon korrigiert und ihr gefiel das, da ich aber ca. 5 Minuten über das Thema "all about me" erzählen muss habe ich da noch einiges hinzugefügt.. Nun ist euer Rat gefragt ob es da unlogische Sätze u.ä gibst. Rechtschreibfehler können bleiben ich muss es halt nur mündlich auf der richtigen Art und Weise aussprechen können. Danke im voraus.

Liebe Grüße

euer Maik

Text _

Good Morning !!

I want to tell you something about me. My name is Max Mustermann I´am 15 years old. I was born second October 1995 in Germany, Berlin. I have a brother his name is PETER, he is 17 years old, he goes to School. And I have a sister her name is CAROL she is 9 years old, she goes to school, too. My father is HEINRICH he is 43 years old, he works in FIRMENNAME. My mother is CLAUDIA she is 38 years old she works in FIRMENNAME.

I have many friends his names are: Michael, Ahmet, Tom, Marsel and Dennis their hobbys are playing football and going outside. But my best friend is Tom, becouse 2 years before he helped me on a diffikult situation. On my free time I going outside, going swimming, or I learn for school. I goes with Dennis once per week swimming. I watch often TV or learn for school. My favourite music star is SIDO he is a german rap star. And my favourite football star is Philipp Lahm he plays in Germany, Bayern München

I live in a big house. My room is normal, the color of my room is white. I have in my room a TV, PC; chair, table, bed, many games, a furniture and a flag of germany.

I go by bus to school. Every day of my school started 8pm and ends always at 2pm. On friday ends my school at 1.30 am. In my class are 19 childrens 8 girls and 11 boys. On the breakfast I playing football. My favourite subjekt is german and math.