Kurzgeschichte analysieren englisch?

Ich hab eine Analyse zu einer Kurzgeschichte geschrieben und wir schreiben nach den Ferien die englisch klasur und ich weiß jtz nicht ob die Analyse gut ist, es wär lieb wenn sie jemand mal die Analyse durchlesen würde und seine Meinung dazu äußern würde und mir Tipps geben könnte. Danke im Voraus !

Die Kurzgeschichte ist folgende: Laura bye Robert O'Neil

Everybody in the crowded restaurant stared when the young woman suddenly threw a glass of wine in the face of the older man sitting opposite her at a table near the window. The young woman was attractive and well dressed. The man was at least twenty years older than she was. He looked shocked. The young woman suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. 5 ”Laura, come back, please,” the older man shouted. But she had already reached the door. The man ran after her. It had started to rain outside. She ran out into the middle of the street. ”For God's sake, give me a chance to explain,” the man shouted. She turned around and stared at him. A car had just turned the corner and was coming towards her very fast. The driver had not turned his windscreen wipers on, and he was talking to someone on his 10 mobile. Then - suddenly - he saw her -directly in front of him, so close that he could see her eyes when she turned her head and looked at him.

Die Aufgabung Stellung ist folgende : 1a) examine the First sentence of the Story. How does it get the reader's attention right away? 1b) at what Point of the Story do you Sense that something Bad might happen? What words or actions help to build up suspense as the Story develops? C) explain the effect of giving the car driver's perspective in the Last sentence. Why do you think the author chose to end the story like this?

Meine Analyse: I analyse the Short Story Laura, written bei Robert O'Neil. It is about two persons who are in a relationship. They are sitting in a restaurant. And the girlfriend ist very angry about her boyfriend. The story is written in written in the third-Person omniscient narrator.

The first sentence of the story get the reader's attention,because it begins that a women threw a glass of wine in the face of a older man, but it is not written why, then the reader wants to read the full part of the story, because he want to know what had happened. I sense at l.10 that something bad might happened:"for God's sake, give me a chance to explain". From my opinion there is a tension in ll.5-6 where Laura runs towards the door and in ll.12-13 where the car comes. I think the Author gives the car driver's perspective in the last sentence , because he wants to build up suspense. In my point of view this has a very big effect to the reader, because i was really exited at this part.

Englisch, Schule
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