Hey mir ist das gleiche widerfahren nur das ich nicht Bilder von mir genommen habe sondern frei zugänglich vom Internet da es mir suspekt war und bumm auf Photo Collage und den ganzen scheise und den follower gedroht zu senden. Ich bin bisschen tiefer drauf rein gefallen und hab ihm anfangs 50€ per steam Gift Card geschickt also nur den Code und er hat darauf hin mehr verlangt

Daraufhin habe ich ihm das geantwortet:

Hello, because I know that it won't be the last deal and that you will continue to blackmail me,i will block all of your Accounts and Numbers and Pages and i reported it for scam and oppression, I went to the police and got your number as well as your several Instagram profiles and your Telegram account and the story you had in Telegram those given. They have all the messages from the beginning until now and have passed them on to the International Police Authority because they also know that they now know where they live or are. In addition, all the pictures and videos I sent were not mine but from a freely permitted platform and also my Name is Not philip. They also commit here Two crimes that I reported. § 42 BDSG and StGB) § 255, § 253, Blackmail and threats as well as filming video materials and pretending to be someone you are not. In addition, forwarding the images is a criminal offense and will result in the next report and logically a prison sentence of up to 5 years, because the international police have your number and all accounts. In addition, I contacted several people who you blackmailed and who also reported it because I forwarded your number with the permission of the police. In addition, I want to mention that you are not writing with a real profile but that I am also just a fake profile and have put these pictures and videos on this page freely from the internet because I said I will not send any personal pictures because I am not the person am on the instagram page( Changed Name). I worked with the police to get your number because they blackmail and use other people's pictures of women to blackmail and hurt other people is forbidden. If you continue to want to harm other people, this will automatically be passed on to the police and you will be held directly accountable for multiple crimes. I send everybody your Account and they know your a Fake Profile and everybody Reported you and have your phone Number to have a quick Call With the Police Department.

so lang du nicht dein Gesicht Fotographiert hast mit deinem guten Stück.

kann dir in der Regel nichts passieren, weil du auch sagen kannst so wie ich das es halt nicht meins ist. Zudem wenn er es deine follower schicken will müssen die erstmal die Einladung annehmen um ein Bild zu schicken. Davor können die nur Text schreiben. Und im Endeffekt bringt es deine nichts weil du ja eh nicht drauf reagieren wirst weil du ihn ja überall blockiert und gemeldet hast

zudem hab ich seine Nummer mir aufgeschrieben falls es anderen passiert das sie es direkt auch der Polizei weiter melden können

...zur Antwort