Boot Camps in Germany !!!

Some people mean that the boot camps in the USA a good idea , but should be boot camps introduced in germany ?

Many people and parents says that boot camps are very good , because boot camps helps troublemakers to learn discipline. And when they learn discipline the crime rate will be go down. Second, the lessons in the school will be more quiet and than the students can better learn and have than better marks. As well the children will be trained they physical fitness and they learn to live healthy. When they used to the circumstances in boot camps, they will live in that way , when leaving the camp.

However, other people and parents are against boot camps, because they think that the children soon forget about boot camp and get in trouble again. Another argument against is the cost ! If boot camps are built in germany, the state would have many costs. The last argument is that many people say that children didnt learn discipline but should have been broken. People say that the boot camps are to hard for children and that the teachers in the camps are too strict.

After looking at both sides I think that boot camps shouldnt be built in germany. The advantages are very good, but the disadvantages are predominant.

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