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Text About Berlin :

Berlin is the Capital of Germany and it is on the eastern from Germany over 3.4million People live there Berlin comprises 12 districts Schöneberg,Neuköln,Marzahn,Spandau,Reinickendorf,Pankow,Tempelhof,Charlottenburg,Steglitz,Treptow,Lichtenberg,Kreuzberg Berlin was founded in the 13th the Mayor of Berlin is Klaus Wowereit Century on 9th November 1989 was Fell the Wall Half a million of the 3,5 million inhabitants are not German. 115,000 people are from Turkey and 40,000 come from Poland.Berlin has beautiful sights such äs Brandenburger Tor,Fernsehturm,Reichstag,Berliner mauer,Checkpoint Charlie,Spree,Alexander platz,Siegessäule and more.The city is also famous for her alternative scene and its artists . The Berlinale and it's 'Golden Bear' are highlights from year to year

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