Hallo ihr lieben

ich wollte fragen ob mir jemand helfen kann ich habe am donnerstag mündliche prüfung in englisch ich bin in der wirtschaftsschule und hier ist mein text

My name is Sophia Wanderer. I am sixteen years old and i am from______ that is nearby ________. I have a brother calls Christian. I go to commercial school in __________ since 2012 and I will take my final examination this year. My favorite subjects are science of business management and word processing. After my degree I will begin an education to the merchant in the wholesale trade at the ___________. After my education I would like to study trade business administrator. My hobbies are meeting with friends and riding. I like to spend my leisure time with my horse her name is gypsy and she is 12 years old.

findet ihr das reicht für 1 minute rede zeit und bitte um fehler verbesserung da ich grotten schlecht in englisch bin