Wie findet ihr einen meiner Charaktere?Habs leider nur auf Englisch.?

Name: Gogo J (it is a short name for his real name that no one knows except for his brother)

Gender: Male

Age: 66,000,040 years old

Height: 1.90 meters tall; With his nest 2.03 meters tall

Appearance: a tall yellow bird-like being, his eye color is light blue and turquoise, he has feathers, he has an orange beak and orange legs with three toes, two in front one in the back, his claws are yellow-orange; on the back of his head are 2 big feathers that fall down but can be seen clearly, he has a brown nest on his head in that lie three white eggs. He has hands with 4 fingers, that are pretty big, they are also wings. Impatien

IQ: he has an IQ of 128, maybe now even higher, but he doesn't know

Powers: he has a turquoise sword, the handle is made of oval-like things, on the end of the handle is a big ball, on the upper end of the handle are two spike-like things going slightly up, bending out, the sword itself is at the bottom smaller, as small as the handle, then getting bigger, in the upper middle it is really big, then going up again to come to an end, at the biggest point in the upper middle, on the left side there broke a part out that Gogo J doesn't have anymore. The sword is made out of some material that doesn't exist anymore, it is the only thing made out of that material ever, it is indestructible and only Gogo J can control it, if someone else takes it in its hand there power will be drained and they die like after 2 minutes. Now to the powers, Gogo J can fly with his powers but also with his wings, he is as fast as the light, if he gets angry (that doesn't happen often) or has taken enough damage his eyes will turn completely turquoise and he gets more powerful in every aspect, he can lift a car, he lived an asteroid, the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs without much problem, he can hear better than some dogs, he can see in the night and can see much much better than a human, like 2 kilometers far, he doesn't need to sleep much and can see a bit through space, and his reaction time is extreme, he reacts instinctive. His powers can't be erased, mimicked, or anything like that. Now his real powers with his sword the others are not his real powers in the slightest, so his sword has 6 forms; Sword, Pistol, Bow, Hammer, Wip, and two sickles; he can switch when he turns the weapon he has currently in his hand. Sword: you can slash and attack extremely fast with it, it can shoot little shots, something out of magic, with it you can open portals to other universes, if you use the portals right you can use i just like a teleport. Pistol: Gogo J can't attack with the pistol until he has done a specific amount of damage to his enemy, then he can shoot one single shot that is faster than light, that locks the enemy in an almost indestructible magic ball up. Bow: Gogo J can shoot one arrow with the bow, he can only have one active at a time, the arrow flies in a straight line and can't be destroyed, it can destroy almost everything that comes in its way, it could destroy the earth, Gogo J can think "stop," then the arrow will stop in the air, Gogo J can also say "back," then the arrow will go in Gogo J's current direction, if the arrow hits Gogo J, it disappears. Hammer: the hammer has the slowest attacks out of Gogo J's weapons, but if it hits it creates shockwaves, the hammer can block almost any attack, maybe even any attack. Wip: the wip has the longest reach and it can be attacked middle fast with it, but its power only is active after Gogo J has hit with the pistol shot, after that, when Gogo J hits someone with the wip their ghost, soul, etc. Will be slashed out of their body, being vulnerable. Sickles: Gogo J has two sickles in this weapon form, he can put both together and have one weapon that can be thrown but is slower, but stronger, it always comes back, or two sickles with that he can do the same, but each sickle does much less damage but is much faster, the sickles can destroy ghosts and souls instantly.

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