Kann ich das so im English Unterricht vortragen(8.Klasse)?

Dear classmates and teachers,

today I want to talk about my eating habits.

On school days, I do not eat breakfast before I go to school. In school I mostly eat fruits like bananas, apples or maderines. When I come home from school I eat lunch. I always eat different things, but yesterday I ate pasta. For dinner, I mostly eat snacks. My favourite food is lasagne. I love to eat mexican and asian food. Also, I try to eat vegetables and fruits every day.

Once or twice a week, mostly on fridays or saturdays, I eat sweets. I love chocolate and crisps but it's not good for my health. I like sweet drinks like coke but it's very unhealthy for me. On sundays, most of the time my family and I eat "Schnitzel". I don't like it that much, but my brother and dad love it. So I also eat that.

We buy our meat from a farm. Often, I'm the one cooking for my family or myself only.

 If someone drinks not that much milk it is still healthy and natural. Fish is not my favourite food, but it's very healthy because it contains proteins and vitamins.

It's very difficult to see if something is healthy or unhealthy. When you make all by yourself you know whats in it zu But if you cook all by yourself you know what it consists of and you can eat it with a good conscience. If you buy ready meals you don't know the ingredients and its mostly unhealthy. In Austria, we throw away a lot of food that could still be eaten. In other countries people don't have enough food and we waste it!

Athletics have to eat proteins to get more muscles and to have more energy. Vitamins are good for your body and hair.

To save our earth we should eat regional and organic food.

 (Was könnte ich dazu ergänzen?)

...zum Beitrag

Uh also sachen die ich korrigieren würde sind:

chips zu crisps

I do not like it so much zu I do not like it that much

So I eat it also zu So I also eat it

When someone drink not to much milk ist healthy and it’s natural zu If someone drinks not that much milk it is still healthy and natural.

When you make all by yourself you know whats in it zu But if you cook all by yourself you know what it consists of and you can eat it with a good conscience

When you buy ready meals you do not know whats in it and ist mostly unhealthy. würd ich so machen: If you buy ready meals you don't know the ingredients and its mostly unhealthy.

we throw away many food that we could still eat.

Zu we throw away a lot of food that could still be eaten.

Das wars ansonsten find ichs sehr schön geschrieben <3

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