Good Morning

Ich want to toll you Something about me My Name is **** but my friends call me *** as a nickname. I am fifteen years old. I have a brohter and a sister there is my brohter the older and He is seventeen years old his Name is **** and my sister is the young so is my brohter eight years older as a my sister her Name is ***. My Parents are Fourty-four years old and my Mum is called *** AT the Moment she is housewife.My dad is called * * * * * and He works as a Firmenname. I live with my Familiy in **** where we live is a big house. MY familiy Come Form ***** all are born in ***** out of my sister our motherlangaue is french furthermore my Familiy and I live SinCe nine year the school in ***** so in my class we are eight pupil there are five boys and three girls. I like my School because I have many interesting subjects it are history and Germany but I don't like sport.In Summer I leave the school because it is my last school  years and I want to finish a good exams in order to I go in the secandary school.My Hobby is Swimming because I can good swimming therefore me have it much fun.In Winter I like go schlicht skating when the Weather is Bad I read books and wach TV.In the Week I go swimming twice and Most weekend I Meeting with my friends we go shopping or chillen