English Mündliche Prüfung. Bitte um Hilfe um eine gute Note zu erreichen.

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My favourite City is New York City. It is in the east of United States and a 8 million people live there. It is in the state New York. N.W.C has 5 broughs: Manhattan, Queens , Brooklyn, the Branx and Staten Island. In New York City there are a lot of famous sights for example: The Statue of Liberty, Broadway, Chinatown, The empire State Bulding and many more. Broadway is a street which is famous for its theatres. There are many plays with Hollywood Stars and etc. There you can see new theatre plays and muscials. Chinatwon is a place where you can buy chinese food, clothes and other things. There you can spend much time. It is like a trip to China. Moreover New York City has many Parks for example: the Central Park. I think it is very important to have many park in a city because you can relax there. People from all over the world emigrate to New York City , but it is a very experience city for example: additional cost and rents are high. Moreover in New York City happen a lot of crime, because there live a lot of gangster and they are very dangerous and scarifying. I would like to go to New York City because they city is beautiful , great and I love the skyscrapers and the Parks , where I can relax and meet friends.

...zum Beitrag


ich denke in deiner mündlichen Prüfung wird das eher so ablaufen, dass du ein Bewerbungsgespräch simulieren sollst. daher würde ich mich bei einer solchen Prüfung nicht so sehr um die Fakten New yorks kümmern, sondern eher über deine Interessen und gerade WARUM du nach New York gehen willst. in deinem obigen Text steht drüber leider nur ein Satz.

...zur Antwort