Memrise vielleicht.

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Ich habe Jahre lang in Amerika gelebt und nie davon gehört!

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Neulich habe ich das Wort 'Vetter' in einem (nicht so alten) Kinderbuch gesehen. Also, gar nicht tot.

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You're adorable ist häufiger benutzt wenn man über Kinder und Tiere spricht. YOU'RE HOT ist flirten!

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Captain, Prince, Pirate, Jet oder Bolt. 

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Als Ich ERASMUS Studentin war, hab ich in Trier gewohnt. Ich kann diese Stadt nur empfehlen. Trier ist nicht zu groß, aber es gibt viel zu tun und man kann auch viele schöne Örte in der Nähe besuchen.

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Brief an Gastfamilie (hostfamily) für ein Jahr nach Amerika?

Hallo Community,

Ich bin seit Tagen dran meinen Brief für die Gastfamilie zu schreiben aber irgendwie komme ich nicht weiter. Der Brief soll 2-4 Seiten lang sein aber ich weiß nicht was ich noch dazu schreiben soll. Kann mir da vielleicht jemand weiter helfen?

Dear Hostfamily,

I am XXX, I'm 15 years old and I am from Germany. I live togehter with my mother in a small flat. I have an older brother he is 28 years old and he is studying in a other city. I have a really good relationship with my mother and we spend a lot of time together in our freetime. I dont see my brother often, maybe one time in year, because he don't have time to visit us.

I visit the 10th grade of the Highschool in Germany. My favourite subjects are English,History and Geographic, because I like it to learn other languages and I want to know what is happend before I was born.

My Mother and me travel a lot in our freetime one of the best Journey was to South Africa in 2005 we have seen a lot of animals like lions, zebras and hippos! But i think our best Journey will be in the easter holidays 2016 to Los Angeles, because America has always fascinated me! In my freetime I often meet my friends and we hang out together or we go to the cinema and watch movies. I really like sport activities like basketball,swimming and horse riding, but I also go to the fitness studio with a friend.

I would describe myself as a friendly personality and I think that I could easy integrate into a new community. I am curious about new people and hope to meet many interesting and friendly new people.

...zum Beitrag

Es gibt einige Fehler, die Du korrigieren solltest.

 I don't see my brother often, maybe once a year, because he doesn't have time to visit us. 

I am in 10th grade in high school in Germany. My favorite subjects are English, history and geography because I like it to learn other languages and I want to know what happened before I was born.

My Mother and I travel a lot in our free time, one of the best trips we took was to South Africa in 2005. We saw a lot of animals like lions, zebras and hippos.

I think our best trip will be during the Easter holidays to Los Angeles because America has always fascinated me!

I would describe myself as a friendly person.

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Die Grundschule ist für Kinder im Alter zwischen 5 bis 11.

Middle school ist für Kinder im Alter zwischen 11 bis 14 Jahre alt 

Highschool ist vom 14 bis 18. 

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