Je nach Kontext passt: if you want to teach someone a lesson......

zB: I let him walk home in the rain just to teach him a lesson. (du hast ihn im Auto nicht mitgenommen weil du sauer auf ihn bist)

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Ich hab oft genug mit dem Zeugs gekocht und gebacken

Corn flour in UK Rezepten wird verwendet um Soßen usw anzudicken, und beim Backen. Das ist dasselbe wie Maisstärke/ Mondamin

Maismehl wäre corn meal

...zur Antwort
Hallo, habe ich die Sätze richtig in indirect speech umgewandelt?

Direct speech: Eddie: "We are having crisps and drinks from the vending machine."

Indirect speech: Eddie saidthat they were having crisps and drinks from the vending machine.

Direct Speech: "Amarjit has just spilled his drink over my crisps."

Indirect speech: Eddie said that he had just spilled his drink over his crisps.

Diect speech: "I won´ let Steve use his phone in France."

Eddie said that he wouldn´t let Steve use his phone in France.

Direct speech: "There´s free wifi at the hostel."

Eddie said that there was freewifi at the hostel.

Direct speech: "You can use your phone over wifi."

Eddie said that he could use hisphone over wifi.

Direct speech: "Steve is an addict. He needs a break from his smartphone."

Eddie said that Steve was an addict. He needs a break from his smartphone."

Direct speech: "Steve: I didn´t have time."

Indirect speech: Steve said that he hadn´t have time.

Direct speech: "Steve:. I´ve forgotten. I´ll send them a message to ask."

Indirect speech: Steve said that he had forgotten. Sreve said that he would send them a message to ask.

Direct speech: "Ms Woodruff: It´s time to get back on the coach."

Indirect speech: Ms. Woodruff said that it was time to got back on the coach.

Direct speech: "Steve: We aren´t in France yet. We are still on the ferry."

Indirect speech: Steve said that they weren´t in France yet. They were stilled on the ferry.

Direct speech: "Coach: You can have your phone for half an hour in the evenings."

Indirect speech: Coach said that he could hava his phone for hal an hour in he evening.


...zum Beitrag

Steven said that he hadn't had time.

Mrs Woodruff said that it was time to get back on the coach.

Steve said............ they were still on the ferry.

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Wenn es um räumliche Nähe handelt dann benutzt man near ohne Präposition. (....near the beach)

Next wiederum braucht immer to ( ..... next to the beach.)

Auf nearby folgt nie ein Substantiv, also ist der obige Satz falsch.

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Das ist leider ein bekanntes Phänomen und betrifft nicht nur die, die schottische Briefmarken darauf haben. Die mit einem Airmail-Aufkleber scheinen etwas zuverlässiger anzukommen. Lach bitte nicht, aber bei vielen Postkarten die dann irgendwann ankommen ist nachzuweisen, dass sie über die Philippinen gereist sind!!!

Übrigens, ist Royal Mail nicht zuständig für Irland (Republik), da nicht Teil der UK. Sie kommen mit ziemlicher Sicherheit nicht an.

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